Online Store Possibilities

Are Endless with OpenCart

Open cart add-on to boost your e-commerce sales and improve customer satisfaction

SuiteCRM Opencart Integration aims at increasing customer satisfaction, generating more sales and enhancing productivity & efficiency from online stores.

It will manage website customers & analyze opportunities to accelerate new and repeat orders easily. Also, gather customer feedback &  provide quality support.

What are the benefits?

OpenCart add-on SuiteCRM plugin is the right solution for bad forecasting and best path for effective sales & marketing strategy. OpenCart has an extensive amount of features that gives you a strong hold over the customization of your store.

Accelerate Sales

Increase your sales with the help of inbuilt marketing analytics and campaign capabilities.

More Repeat Orders

Manage website customers and analyze opportunities to accelerate new and repeat orders easily


Incomplete Orders from OpenCart will be visible to sales team as Opportunities

All Automatic

Customer registrations will go directly from OpenCart to SuiteCRM – No Manual Data Entry

Event Planning

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts

Stay Synced

With this tool, easily sync data between your website and CRM.

Increase your sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Using SuiteCRM Opencart Integration can help you increase your sales, track opportunities for repeat orders or conversion of incomplete orders. With all this automated, you get more time to focus on the growth of your business

An Overview of OpenCart

SuiteCRM Opencart Integration is a free open source e-commerce platform for online merchants. OpenCart provides a professional and reliable foundation from which to build a successful online store. This foundation appeals to a wide variety of users ranging from seasoned web developers looking for a user-friendly interface to use, to shop owners just launching their business online for the first time.

Add integrations to boost your CRM experience

SuiteCRM Chat Tool

Research shows 60% online shoppers prefer live chat support than any other form of interaction. Strengthen business offerings to add significant value & ensure increased returns on your investments.

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Customer Portal

Clients now have ability to get support and submit issues with an open line correspondence. A scope of self-benefit alternatives, you’ll help consumer loyalty & in addition long-haul services.

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Xero SuiteCRM Plugin

Synergy of Xero and SuiteCRM is a double bonanza, as it brings seamless flow of customers data from CRM to actual billing system in useful handshake so the bills can be generated without manual process.

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Simple to start. Easy to run.

Start your OpenCart eCommerce store now!

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